Hola!! Segunda semana aqui en Nicaragua!!!!
It rains daily here. Usually at night which is good for us, but makes it hard to do
laundrey :) I learned how to do that this week! It is the kind of work like doing dishes or
mowing the lawn, where you can think about things. THe only problem is that it takes
time. My companion is so fast at it from doing it these past 4 months. I really think we
could find someone in the ward to do it, but it is a good skill to learn! My hands will be
so strong when I get back :) There are sinks to be able to do it. on the right it is full of water
and on the left is a sink type thing that has ridges on it. You soak whites and things that won't
blead in soap overnight. Then you just scrub away. I am not very good at it yet! My companion
helped me do half of mine last week! I have more to do. But içwhen you send a bigger package
I do need a bigger laundrey bag. You hold the piece of clothing with one hand and move the
clothing back and forth with the other. It hurt my and so they just need to get tougher :) I think
clothes get whiter and cleaner when washing them by hand. it is just harder on the clothes!
I do know a Frodsham! She was in my district in the CCM! When I have seen her she
has been having a hard time like all of us, but I saw her this week and she was doing
better. I think it is just so muh to take in all at once!!! But we do see some interesting
stuff here! I won't ever cry over a college apartment again that is for sure!! We had
divisions on Friday with another Zone so I went to a different area. IT was extremely
dirty but beautiful. Very cool there compared to Rivas :) But we taught this old old
couple who had cardboard for walls and a dirt floor!
But I learned a lot from my division! Like to ask people if they need help, if there are
things that we can do for them, etc. And then tomorrow I have divisions with the sister
leaders. That will be interesting! I know I will learn a lot again! I am going to a city called
Mesiah and my companion is staying here (because she knows the area).
One thing about Nicaragua here is how they do directions. I don't know if I will ever
learn because it is so hard for me! They don't have any street names or signs.
They have a point of reference (a park, a house, cemeter, etc.) And go from there.
Sometimes the point of reference isn't even a building that is there anymore, but for
example used to be a gas station. So confusing for me!
Sundays are pretty different here. We have what is called a mormon batallion before
church. We walk around and find all of the people that we invited to church and ask
them to come with us. It is hard because it is when the people who said they would
come really don't want to. And they say never come to church without an investigator,
recent convert, less active, etc. But what can you do? We walked around and then
finally the last house we went to the mom and daughter said they would come with us!
ANd they really enjoyed church. We were half an hour late but that was okay. I have
high hopes for them!!!
Then later yesterday we had a huge activity with the future misisonaries of the ward. We
set it up like a cambio (which is a change or when we switch companionships). We had
all the people in the ward who had served missions and paired them with future. Then
we had them go out tracting or teach lessons with less actives. I was paired with a girl
who got back from her mission the day I arrived. She is from here, and served here. So
she knew her way around!! We walked a lot and taught a lot of people!!! It was good to
work with her!
One goal we have here is to baptize 60 families a month. We haven't reached it yet but
we always have hope!!
WEll!! That is all for today!!!
Please tell Kelli DRiggs sorry she hasn't gotten a letter yet but that one is on the way!
Ilove you all soo much!! Thank you for everything!!!!
Love, Your Nicaraguan Missionary!
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